Sunday, January 31, 2016

Puddle Racer Champion

Dribble, dribble~ SHOOT!

Learning by example... attempting laces

Dad's work-boots: A day in the life

The peek-a-boo portal!

Wildlife at Arana Gulch

Hanging loose w/ Mother goose

Kissing the pearl! ;-)

Tunnel vision... gone colorful

General contractor: Foam block construction site

He's a basketball wonder!!

Test driving somebody's hog at the playground

Flooded frolic at Sky Park

Vineyard winter wedding~ Yay!!

Anybody seen Red??

Solving the classic Rubix Cube

Watch out for the woodland wagoneers :-p

Museum of Discovery: It's where it's at!

Heaven is dirt & shovels :-)).

Hey girl, CALL ME~ Maybe?

Peaches & Cream: Sunset with the lil' peach

NYE: Clocktower in downtown Santa Cruz